Prep Baseball Report

Super 60: Draft Stock Up

Nathan Rode
National Supervisor

The 19th annual Super 60 had a slightly different feel to it than usual, as it was held at the MOSH Performance Center in Franklin, WI, instead of the The MAX outside of Chicago, and we had fewer staff thanks to that one thing that we’re all tired of talking about. But nothing could take away from the talent that was in attendance as we saw the deepest roster in the event’s history. Turn your head for just a minute and you missed a big performance.

This starts the final stage of MLB Draft coverage for me. After a summer and fall of getting better acquainted with a draft class, the Super 60 kicks off the spring and solidifies who I need to keep following closely and new names to add to the list. Below are 10 players who increased their draft stock at the event. Some are known prospects on the national level, some clearly put in the offseason work and some introduced themselves after extended time off because of injury. Make no mistake, it’s an indoor workout in February, so nobody is making final decisions off of Sunday, but these players certainly made their presence known and have scouts factoring them into their schedules the next six months.

Anson Aroz, C, Placer HS, CA
Aroz was on the Northern California Area Code Games team and played well, showing his usual strong defense, athleticism and flexibility behind the plate while controlling the barrel from both sides of it. Coming out of the winter, he has clearly added strength to his frame without losing agility. The Oregon recruit’s defense was as advertised, as he showed a quick exchange behind the plate and above average to plus arm, registering pop times in the 1.9-1.94 range. The added strength showed up at the plate where he squared up line drives from both sides of the plate, averaging 90.15 mph on his exit velocities.

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